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LUG, lego user group, lego users group, lego show, lego exhibition, lego showcase, lego tutorials, lego workshop, The GAP, the great aussie brickshow,  lego aussie brickshow, lego community, learning lego

Our Committee

President : Paco Lira
Vice President : Trevor S.
Secretary : Karalee Chenski
Treasurer : Alam Singh
Delegate : Junkit Sze


We have two types of memberships - Associate and Members


  • Associates : Members have access to the workshops, tutorials and everything we do but the main difference is that you will not get exclusive benefits from being a part of ALUG. Associate members do not have any voting rights and are not part of our member manifest.

  • Members : Full members have access exclusive benefits and get first access to workshop seats, tutorials and other restricted events. You will also have access to any of our bulk purchases and discounts with affiliate stores. Members have the right to vote on what the LUG will do and you will be an integral part of the group.

Fees & Donations

All the money collected is used for:


  • Web: we had to buy domains, web hosting and other miscellaneous to create the forms and website (Web development has been kindly donated).

  • Insurance: As an incorporated association we are responsible for your safety while in a meeting or a show.

  • Registration: Being proper organisation we have a few registration fees. this were covered by our funding members and will be reimbursed from the membership fees

  • Projects and Shows: Making a group project or organising a show its not easy nor cheap. Because this is our first year we will be raising funds to create shows and we will be looking for sponsors to cover the initial fees for venues and advertising.

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